Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Long Distance Relationships


The idea of long distance relationships have always interested me. The thought of being able to love someone or even just having feelings for another human being that may be across the world from you is simply amazing. I am not just saying this out of admiration, but because I have had experience with this type of relationship.

During present times, people have become more open and accepting about having a long distance relationship. On the other hand, there are those who don't understand this concept of romance and believes it to be "unreal". I respect these types of opinions but I draw the line when someone continues to push this idea onto someone that is open to the idea of having one. Yes, we cannot see each other in person and yes, we cannot spend every waking moment together however, the feelings are real. Those not in the relationship cannot understand this because they aren't the ones experiencing it, but to judge something that you've never given a chance to closes a door to a part of your life that you have the ability of exploring. Additionally, the media does not help in this either. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy watching shows such as Catfish, but it brings a negative viewpoint towards long distance relationships. When in a relationship, physically talking to one another is vital. This is no different for LDR's and is where the advancement of technology plays a big role. Because we are not able to have the chance of just driving a few blocks or walking down the street to see one another, there is social media or apps out there that help resolve this problem such as Skype, Facetime, Oovoo, Viber, etc., which are available at our advantage. The excuse of not being able to get one or even just webcaming someone waves a red flag as to someone who may be bending the truth regarding their identity.

I dislike the idea of having to be restrained to those in my area although, it's nice having the opportunity to go on dates whenever you please; something those involved in this type of relationship cannot experience until they meet which, usually takes a long while due to prices of transportation (i.e. plane tickets). With hard work comes great benefits. By putting in effort, love, and attention to the relationship, it helps drive the relationship and keeps it going. It's more difficult since you cannot do things together but by leaving aside time to video-chat your boyfriend or girlfriend or just chatting with them, this shouldn't be a problem. Also, not only are you in a relationship with someone who may be across the globe, you have the opportunity to learn several different things that you may not have known about the country or state they live in, in which I find fascinating knowing what their lifestyle consists of on a daily basis.


In spite of all the effort and sacrifices one has to make for being in this type of relationship, it's truly worth it in the end when you both do meet because at the end of the day, the feelings you have for one another is stronger than the distance that divides you both. I'm not saying it's always going to work out, no one can ever tell. The heartbreak experienced is no different than the heartbreak of a relationship with someone close by, feelings are hurt either way. Time will pass and you will move on. You will learn from your experiences and trust me, the memories you made with that person will always be held dear to you, no matter what your relationship was like or how it ended. Nothing can replace the happiness you felt and the time you spent with them. They were special to you for a reason, so don't feel bitter. As someone once said, "don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Nonetheless, if it does work out for you, take pride and keep doing what you're doing because you both have overcome obstacles that several others in your position have failed to conquer.